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Certification of the IV (fourth) and enrollment of the V (fifth) semester at the Doctoral study in the field of kinesiology for a candidate for M.Sc. Dark Christmas

Certification and registration of the semester will be done in the period from 06.25. - June 28, 2024.

The following is required for certification of IV and enrollment in V semester:

1st index

2nd semester sheet (properly filled in - taken from the student service - free of charge)

3. duly completed enrollment materials ( 5 KM is paid, bank account number: 1610200000290613 , purpose of transfer: N4113-enrollment materials , recipient: "Džemal Bijedić" University in Mostar - Faculty of Education, and with the payment slip, come to the student service to pick it up, fill it out and submit it with an index


4. payment slip for 2500 KM , purpose of transfer: N1701-payment for the 5th semester of the Doctoral study in the field of kinesiology , bank account: 1610200000290613 , recipient: "Džemal Bijedić" University - Faculty of Education

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