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COMPETITION for the selection of the Dean of the Faculty of Education of the University "Džemal Bijedić" in Mostar

Based on the Decision of the Scientific and Educational Council of the Faculty of Education of the University "Džemal Bijedić" in Mostar No.: 142-1-6/21/24 of January 9, 2024, the Faculty of Education of the University "Džemal Bijedić" in Mostar announces


for the election of the Dean of the Faculty of Education of the University "Džemal Bijedić" in Mostar

for a term of office of four years


A candidate who meets the following general and specific requirements may be elected as Dean of the Faculty of Education of the "Džemal Bijedić" University in Mostar:

The general conditions are:

  1. that he is a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  2. that he is medically fit to perform the duties/functions of the dean;
  3. that he has not been convicted of a criminal offense or an economic offence, which are obstacles to appointment

to the given job/function, or that a period of 5 (five) years has elapsed from the date of service,

executed, expired or forgiven sentences;

  1. that there is no court decision prohibiting that person from performing the given duties/functions
  2. that there is no indictment against him by the International Tribunal for war crimes for the former Yugoslavia

(Article IX.1 of the Constitution of BiH).

The special conditions are :

  1. that a teacher who has been elected to the scientific-teaching or artistic-teaching department at the University

title of full or associate professor;

  1. that he is permanently employed at the University "Džemal Bijedić" in Mostar, with full-time work

over time;

  1. to know (actively speak) at least one world language;
  2. not to hold a position in the executive bodies of a political party or an organization affiliated with a political party


  1. that he has no private financial interest in the University.

The candidate for dean is required to submit a signed Work and Development Program of the Faculty of Education of the "Džemal Bijedić" University in Mostar for the four-year term.

The Dean is elected for a term of 4 (four) years and may be re-elected for another consecutive term.


Method of proving fulfillment of the conditions for election of dean, evidence

Along with the signed application for the Competition and CV, candidates for Dean of the Faculty of Education of the University "Džemal Bijedić" in Mostar are required to submit the following documents as proof of meeting the prescribed conditions for the election of Dean of the Faculty of Education of the University "Džemal Bijedić" in Mostar, as follows:

  1. Certificate of citizenship (original or certified copy, - not older than 3 months);
  2. Decision or Confirmation of appointment to the title of full or associate professor at the University "Džemal"

Bijedić" in Mostar, (original or certified copy);

  1. Confirmation of permanent full-time employment at the University "Džemal Bijedić"

in Mostar, original;

  1. Proof of active knowledge of at least one world language, certificate, confirmation (original or

certified copy);

  1. A certified statement that he does not have a position in the executive bodies of a political party or organization that is

affiliated with a political party;

  1. A certified statement that he/she has no private financial interest in the University;
  2. Work and development program of the Faculty of Education of the University "Džemal Bijedić" in Mostar for

mandate period of 4 (four) years, signed by the candidate.

The candidate who is selected must submit:

  1. Medical certificate stating that he is medically fit to perform the duties/functions of the Dean, original

or certified copy, - not older than 3 months;

  1. A certificate that the candidate has not been convicted of a criminal offense that constitutes an obstacle to appointment to

given jobs/functions, or that a period of 5 (five) years has elapsed from the date of service, performance,

outdated or pardoned sentences, original or certified copy, - not older than 3 months;

  1. A certificate that the candidate has not been convicted of a commercial offence, which is an obstacle to appointment

to the given job/function, or that a period of 5 (five) years has elapsed from the date of service,

executed, expired or forgiven sentences, original or certified copy, - not older than 3 months;

  1. A certificate that there is no court decision prohibiting that person from performing the given duties.

jobs/functions, original or certified copy, - not older than 3 months;

  1. A certified statement that there is no indictment against him by the International Court of War Crimes for the former

Yugoslavia (Article IX.1 of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina).


Signed applications for the Competition, along with a CV and all necessary supporting documentation, must be submitted in person or by registered mail, within 15 days from the date of publication of the Competition in the daily newspaper "Dnevni Avaz" and must be submitted to the following address:

"Džemal Bijedić" University in Mostar - Faculty of Education

with the indication: "Application for the public competition for the election of the Dean of the Faculty of Education of the University "Džemal Bijedić" in Mostar" - do not open,

Sjeverni logor bb, 88 104 Mostar

The following should be indicated on the back of the envelope: the candidate's first and last name and the candidate's address.


Incomplete and untimely applications, as well as evidence of meeting the requirements that is submitted in a copy and not certified, will not be taken into consideration.

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