The Master's study is the second cycle of study that is conducted at the Faculty of Teaching and lasts two semesters. By completing the second cycle of studies with the final thesis - master's thesis - the student acquires 60 ECTS points, which together with the first cycle makes 300 ECTS points.
Enrollment in the study is carried out on the basis of a public competition announced by the University Senate, at the proposal of the Faculty's Teaching and Scientific Council. The right to enroll in the one-year II cycle study is granted to persons who have completed the corresponding undergraduate study/I cycle study lasting four years with 240 ECTS credits. The method of conducting and organizing teaching in the II cycle of studies is determined in more detail by the Rules of Studying in the II Cycle ( ).
At the Faculty of Education, undergraduate studies are organized into nine departments:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Pedagogy
- Psychology
- Classroom teaching
- Sociology
- Sports and health
- Professional study in the field of sports
- Preschool education
More detailed information about the second cycle of studies at individual departments can be found on the department's subpage.
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