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Psychology and sociology

The professional title that students acquire after completing the 1st cycle, i.e. after completing 8 semesters, is Professor of Psychology and Sociology - bachelor .

Competences that students achieve after completing the 1st cycle, i.e. after completing 8 semesters, are as follows:

  • Qualification for independent teaching in primary and secondary schools in the subjects: Psychology, Sociology, Culturology, Culture of Religions, Culture of Dialogue and Civic Education.
  • Ability to collaborate at faculties, primary and secondary schools, and institutes in related scientific fields.
  • Ability to work collaboratively as an analyst of social phenomena, processes and relationships in culture, economics, politics and other areas of social life.
  • Ability to collaborate in pedagogical institutes, education agencies, and ministries of education, health, and social policy.
  • Ability to collaborate in the media, non-governmental organizations, administrative bodies, marketing agencies, public relations and development programs.
  • Ability to work cooperatively in health and social institutions.
  • Ability to collaborate in certain areas of industry (personnel selection, professional development and human resources management).
  • Ability to work collaboratively with juvenile delinquents, in counseling centers and psychological preparation of athletes.
  • Ability to collaborate in research in various social areas.

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