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Pedagogical-psychological-didactic-methodical education

The program "Pedagogical-Psychological-Didactic-Methodological Education" will be implemented at the Faculty of Education of the Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar.

The main goal of the PPDM education program is to enable participants to acquire teaching competencies that include knowledge, abilities and skills in the fields of pedagogy, psychology, didactics, teaching methods and educational methods. Upon completion of the program, participants will acquire 27 ECTS credits.

Candidates who have completed the first, second or third cycle of studies, integral studies of the first and second cycle of studies, or students who have completed undergraduate, master's studies or defended their doctoral dissertation according to the old system of study, are eligible for enrollment. Enrollment is done on the basis of a diploma of completed studies. There is no selection procedure for enrollment.

Teaching will take place in the form of lectures, exercises and seminars lasting one semester. The class schedule will be published later after the registration of participants. List of subjects realized within the program: Pedagogy, Psychology, Didactics, Teaching Methodology and Educational Methodology.

The final list of participants will be published after the end of the public call, which will remain open until January 31, 2024 . The price that participants pay is 700 KM per participant. In addition, participants pay for the index with enrollment materials and the issuance of a certificate after completing the program, in accordance with the Decision of the Board of Directors on the cost of the Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar.

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